June 22, 2011

X-Men: First Class

When this movie was anounced I hadn't planned to go see it, until I saw the trailer. Once I saw the trailer my opinion changed. The movie seemed like it was going to be a breath of fresh air that the X-Men series really needed in order to respike my interest in it. After "The Last Stand" I had given up. "Wolverine" wasn't horrible, it just seemed like a movie trying to expand the profits while loosly fitting in with the comics. This movie changes that. Much how "The Dark Knight" has changed how people view Batman, "X-Men: First Class" can change how you can view X-Men. The cast is very well put together, and fit almost every character that has appeared in previous X-Men movies. The deal with this movie is that it is a prequel to everything that has ever been done (X-Men movie related-wise). It is the backstory of Charles Xavier and and Erik Lehnsherr (better known as Magneto). It shows how they discovered each other, as well as their own mutant powers all while attempting to show that mutants are not people to be feared. The adventure that unfolds will leave you hanging on to every turn that the movie takes you on, through hilarious cameos (Hugh Jackman may have won the best cameo in a movie award for me), and fun-to-watch action sequences. The movie is well put together and, while slightly inconsistant with both comics and the other movies, is very enjoyable to watch. I'd recommend it to the general movie goer looking for a good action flick and to the comic book nerd. You shouldn't be disappointed.

4.5 out of 5

The Hangover, Part 2

Tasteless, profane, and no limits. That was the formula that made up The Hangover, quite possibly the biggest comedy hit almost ever. I enjoyed the first part of the series quite well and found myself laughing frequently. However, when I heard that the second part would be coming out I rolled my eyes- another Hollywood sequel that didn't need to happen. Against my better judgment, I went in order to prove myself wrong- and didn't. This movie is indeed another Hollywood sequel that did not need to be made. Storywise, there is only so much you can do with the same kind of premise as the first movie- the guys party so hard they don't remember anything and find out they did some ridiculous things, including lose a member of their party. Look no further than the story of the first one to see the story of the second. This time Stu is getting married and the guys decide to have a calm bachlor's bonfire. When they wake up the next morning they're shaved, tatooed, and missing Stu's fiancè's brother. They then travel around Bangkok in order to find him and piece together the night. The jokes go to places that did not need to be travelled to in many instances causing me to merely shake my head in disbelief. Now, that's not to say the movie isn't funny- I found myself laughing quite a bit, it just is a completely different type of humor than the first one, though the same type of stuff is included. If you are a complete die-hard fan of the first Hangover you will probably enjoy this one a lot, but if you, like me, rolled your eyes at the thought of a sequel you probably should avoid this one.

2.5 out of 5
