February 16, 2010

Snow, part 2

Ok so here in Kentucky Mother Nature constantly shows her love for the Ohio Valley by blessing us with different weather conditions seemingly every few minutes. Now we are back under lots of snow all over the state- classes in college were canceled yesterday and today they were on a two hour delay (only it's not really a two hour delay, but that's a different rant). Honestly though it's not even all that bad out...a couple inches and a bit of a wind and that's all...roads are clear and sidewalks are mostly clear as well. I just kinda wish sometimes that good ol' Mother Nature could make her mind. And also...why does it have to be cold to snow?! I LOVE snow! I HATE the cold! Snow is so beautiful, but why does it have to be so doggone cold in order for it to happen? Oh well there's nothing I can do I suppose...

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