April 14, 2010

Harry Potter World

Ok, so I have really mixed feelings about this upcoming section of Unversal Orlando's Islands of Adventure Park. Near the back of The Lost Continent section of the park, they are set to open Harry Potter World this summer. Now honestly my feelings about this are mostly negative unfortunetly- does Harry Potter really deserve his own mini-theme park? I think not. He's got 7 books and 8 movies and about a million video game counter-parts and even multiple book spin-offs...he does not need a theme park. A lot of people's response to this would be: what about Mickey Mouse? He has all that crap, why does he have his own park- my answer is this: he doesn't. He is a character at a Disney theme park, just because he happens to be the main emphasis does not mean he has his own theme park. Now I admit I enjoyed Harry Potter for a while, but then his books got so damn boring I quit reading them and I haven't bothered to see the last couple movies because the books were so boring I saw no point in paying money to see them acted out. My other main negative thing is they are tearing down the park's iconic roller-coaster in order to build a Harry Potter related one. That's right coaster maniacs- Dueling Dragons is going to be no longer- they're getting rid of it to theme it to Harry Potter dragons and are starting from scratch. This you just don't f***ing do my friends- that coaster was world-renouned for it's amazing-ness and they are just tearing it down for Harry F***ing Potter. WOOO! NOT! Now the good thing (only one of them!) is the technology that's going into the exploring Hogwarts ride is phenomenal- it's a robotic arm that can flip you, twist you, shake you, and essentially make you fly without an airplane and that is pretty awesome- so that's one (count it- ONE) thing I'm looking forward to with this "world." I'm not sure how J.K. Rowling got the Harry Potter theme park contract but it's not really something I'm looking forward to a whole lot...

1 comment:

  1. Dude the Dragon's coaster are still there they are just retheming them. The track's are still there exactly how they have always been.

    As far as the park overall existing is because of the huge success of the books and movie. Disney were fighting to get rights to Harry Potter but lost out. Which actually is weird seeing as the movies play on TV exclusively on Disney channels (ABC, ABC Family, Disney Channel). They are only retheming things that resided in the area of Lost Continent they took over and that wasn't much anyways.

    But ya that's my two scents on the park.

